Monday 21 April 2014

Oxford University: Patent Work and Intellectual Property Part 2

Speakers from Patents and Intellectual Property Law explain their work and the training process involved for each career. The second speaker is an Intellectual Property solicitor from Hogan Lovells.

Rating: Medium

Tags: guest, oxford, ip, intellectual property, oprations, patents, careers

Friday 18 April 2014

GCRC: Interview with Alex Ang on Personal Knowledge Management

Alex Ang speaks to us about his upcoming PKM course. Personal Knowledge Management is a set of practices and tools designed to improve your ability to organise and retrieve knowledge and reduce cognitive stress. PKM is designed to assist professionals in information-heavy environments such as law firms and in-house legal departments.

Rating: Medium

Tags: interview, pkm, knowledge management, information, operations, knowledge

Monday 14 April 2014

Oxford University: Patent Work and Intellectual Property Part 1

Speakers from Patents and Intellectual Property Law explain their work and the training process involved for each career. The first speaker for Our 2010 talk is a patent attorney from J.A. Kemp.

Rating: Medium

Tags: guest, oxford, ip, intellectual property, oprations, patents, careers

Friday 11 April 2014

Bullying the Little Guy - Dubious Big Business Patent Lawsuits

An article in Forbes has highlighted how legal action has become a tool for big businesses to continue their suppression of upcoming start-ups, rather than allowing a level playing field.

Rating: Medium

Tags: operations, litigation, start-ups, corporate

Monday 7 April 2014

Oxford Foundation for Law, Justice and Society: Gender Quotas for Corporate Boards

Mari Teigen, Research Director, Institute for Social Research, Oslo, Norway, gives a talk for the Gender Quotas for Corporate Boards and Democratic Legitimacy debate.

Rating: Medium

Tags: guest, oxford, law, gender, quotas, corporate, politics

Friday 4 April 2014

StyleCounsel: Interview with Alice Darwall, Group GC at French Connection

StyleCounsel is the GCRC’s latest sector that will be focusing on luxury goods, retail and fashion law. This is our first exclusive interview with Alice Darwall, Group General Counsel at French Connection Group, who talks about ecommerce, globalisation and counterfeiting. (Voices recorded by external voice-over artists)

Rating: Medium

Tags: operations, fashion, stylecounsel, counterfeiting, globalisation, ecommerce